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And it was nice to see the squid turn on his players after the game. After his mandatory "I let them down" understatement, he proceeds to blame his players for not fouling at the end of regulation. This after he fails to call a timeout. Bilas essentially calls him a liar. I hope Memphis recruits were either watching Calipari in that postgame chat or flipping over to ESPN to watch Bilas and three ex-coaches lambasting him for his bad coaching.

Kansas canceled classes in 1988 as well, in recognition of the futility of holding them. And the "celebrate safely" directions are needed--I spent some of that night in '88 with a friend in the ER after he had been hit by a random, flying broken bottle.

You're wrong about one thing, though: the Kansas undergrads are not asleep--they are still awake.

DolFan 316

I am, in addition to being a Dolphins fan a Memphis fan as well, and that was the most painful experience I've had as a sports fan in 25 years bar none. People will be talking about what chokers this team was for the rest of my lifetime. I am literally never going to hear the end of it until I die.

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